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How to get your Adobe Analytics API Web Services Credentials

In order to access the API tools provided by Analyst Admin, you will need to get your Adobe Analytics API credentials. Follow the instructions here to get your credentials.


  • Adobe Analytics Admin Access

Non-admins see here.

Step 1 – Log in

Head over to Adobe Analytics and log in.

Step 2 – Company Settings

On the top menu click on Admin then Company Settings.

Adobe Creds Step 2

Step 3 – Web Services

In the Management section, click on Web Services.

Adobe Creds Step 3

Step 4 – Credentials

Scroll down on the Company Settings page, find your Login, and copy your Web Services Username and Shared Key.

Adobe Creds Step 4

Step 5 – Log in

Now that you have your API credentials you can proceed to use the free tools offered by Analyst Admin.

Continue to our Adobe Analytics API Tools

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